Thursday, May 10, 2012

FCBD 2012


This year for FCBD I opted not to set up a a signing anywhere.  I've just been really busy lately and deep into the production of Heart that I thought skipping it this year would provide me with some rest and relaxation time in between the heavier weeks.  Also I made plans with the misses to check out Wrigley and attend my first Cubs game.  You can read more about that here.

For FCBD we decided to head out to Skokie, IL and check out the grand opening of Aw Yeah Comics.  Owners and writer - artist  extraordinaires, Art Baltazar and Franco were doing signings and free sketches for everyone who came out.  The store looks great with Art and Franco's artistic touches painted throughout the comic shop walls.

There wasn't much left in terms of free comics as were a bit late to the party but Nic and I got a copy of the Superman Family Adventures preview that Art and Franco will be doing as a monthly series for DC.  We also got some sweet sketches and free hot dogs! (A winning combination for any comic fan.)

It was a great time and couldn't be happier for Art and Franco as they expanded the world they play in and opened a comic shop for the kids.

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